Terms and Conditions:
We are pleased to offer our services on the following Terms and Conditions:
1. Professional Fees : Applicable for Manpower Placements in ALL Categories – Supporting Staff, Management Cadre of Senior, Middle or Junior levels.
Our Professional Fees amount to 8.33% of the selected candidate’s First Year’s Gross Annual Emoluments, which is equal to ONE Month’s Gross Salary in average, calculated on ‘Total Cost-to-Company’ per annum, as may be negotiated with the selected candidate(s).
2. Payment Terms: Our payment becomes due as the selected candidate joins the company . Our Invoice towards the Professional Fees will be mailed to you and the Payment has to be made to us on completion of THIRTY days of the candidate’s joining your Company.
3. Mode Of Payment: Payments to be made to our Bank Account in favour of Beneficiary, SHRI MANAGEMENT SERVICES. Confirmation of payment may please be made either by mailing the scanned copy of the counterfoil of the deposit OR by WhatsApp .
4. In case the candidate placed by us leaves the Client’s service on his/her own accord within THREE months from the date of joining, we shall provide a free replacement.
5. For any communication with the candidate, it has to be done through SHRI MANAGEMENT SERVICES only. In the case of an urgency where the candidate had to be contacted directly, necessary information, in this regard, must be given to us at the earliest.
6. Any dispute(s) arising out of this agreement is subject to PUNE jurisdiction only.
7. A Copy of the Offer/Appointment Letter(s) must be forwarded to SHRI MANAGEMENT SERVICES simultaneously after issuing it to the candidate(s).
8. As a token of your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions as stated above you are requested to mail us a Scanned copy of this document duly signed with seal by a competent officer of your Company.
9. Non receipt of the scanned copy of the Terms & Conditions within SEVEN days will ensure that the same has been accepted in totto.
Contact Us
Shri Management Services
Shreeji Dreams, B-104, Sector 3, Indrayani Nagar, Bhosari, Pune, Maharashtra - 411039, India
Call Us : View Mobile Number
E-mail : hr@shrimanagement.com
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